All About Taufik Eryadi
Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011
Telephone - Lady GaGa feat. Beyonce Knowles lyric
Hello, hello, baby;
You called, I can't hear a thing.
I have got no service
in the club, you see, see…
Wha-Wha-What did you say?
Oh, you're breaking up on me…
Sorry, I cannot hear you,
I'm kinda busy.
K-kinda busy
K-kinda busy
Sorry, I cannot hear you, I'm kinda busy.
Just a second,
it's my favorite song they're gonna play
And I cannot text you with
a drink in my hand, eh…
You shoulda made some plans with me,
you knew that I was free.
And now you won't stop calling me;
I'm kinda busy.
Stop callin', stop callin',
I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop callin', stop callin',
I don't wanna talk anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
I'm busy!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
Can call all you want,
but there's no one home,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
Out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
Call when you want,
but there's no one home,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
Out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
Boy, the way you blowin' up my phone
won't make me leave no faster.
Put my coat on faster,
leave my girls no faster.
I shoulda left my phone at home,
'cause this is a disaster!
Callin' like a collector -
sorry, I cannot answer!
Not that I don't like you,
I'm just at a party.
And I am sick and tired
of my phone r-ringing.
Sometimes I feel like
I live in Grand Central Station.
Tonight I'm not takin' no calls,
'cause I'll be dancin'.
'Cause I'll be dancin'
'Cause I'll be dancin'
Tonight I'm not takin' no calls, 'cause I'll be dancin'!
Stop callin', stop callin',
I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop callin', stop callin',
I don't wanna talk anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop callin', stop callin',
I don't wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop callin', stop callin',
I don't wanna talk anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
I'm busy!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
Stop telephonin' me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
Can call all you want,
but there's no one home,
you're not gonna reach my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
Call when you want,
but there's no one home,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
My telephone!
M-m-my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
My telephone!
M-m-my telephone!
'Cause I'm out in the club,
and I'm sippin' that bub,
and you're not gonna reach my telephone!
We're sorry… the number you have reached is not in service at this time.
Please check the number, or try your call again
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Rabu, 20 April 2011
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dalam rangka menyambut liburan , berawal dari hari jumat 15-04-2011..............gila aja ya bayangin sekolah smavo secara menyuruh anaknya bersih" di jam 10!! bayangin!! secara smavo gitu ini sebuah mimpi haha *le-bay . ok tapi gue mls bersih" tuh yaudah gue ngobrol aja sm tmn gue smbl maen hp tp brsh"lah dikit" .... rencananya siang mau jenguk facri soalnya dy cacar, yudh kita nunggu siang dan nunggu solat jumat smbil ntn d bioskop x4, tetapi di saat mau prgi k rmh facri, duit 8000 gue ilang! lenyap! oh tidak! *le-bay, tp serius ilaang :( dan gue gapunya ongkos buat k rmh facri, jgn kan k rmh dy, pulang aja gabisa gue.. tapi untung aja ewer berbaik hati membiayai gue buat pulang, rncana gue plg dulu ngmbil uang n motor buat k rmh facri, eh si ewer ikut k rmh gue.. eh di rumah gue dia ngasoy dulu.. padahal rilo udh sewot sms ewer buat cepetan. yudhlah gue tarik tarik ewer buat keluar dr kmr gue dan kita cao ke rumah facri. nyampe gang facri terlihat beberapa anak kelasan yg juga mau ngejenguk facri termasuk ina cieeee, facri lgsg smbuh dh pasti sm ina! ok lanjut kita k rmh facri setelah kita ngakak karena sisah sama ina nyelonong begitu aja di dpn org nikahan pgn jalan! haha! kita d rmh facri disediain susu kedele dan gue gasuka. di pertengahan damar-cut, gue-sule, igo-rilo berniat k rmh sulis/sule pgn beli pop ice. perginya sih selamet PULANGNYA!!!! kita dibawa damar kemana tau! sampe gue sm sule HAMPIR jatoh , hmpir ya, untung beloman..dan gue gabakal maafin damar!!salah dy pokonya! tapi berkat damar gue bisa bangga dgn cibinong karena di pelosok ada lapangan golf sama pacuan kuda gitu hihiyy... pulang" k rmh fcri pop ice stroberi gue berubah warna jd coklat *saking lamanya ga diminum!! pas pulang gue cape dan gue istirahat! next!
16-04-2011........... ni hari gapenting si, cuman ya gitu deh *apasi. kelasan gue hari ini futsal lawan x1 yang ngatain kalo kelas gue payah.. eh eh eh tapinya mereka yg payah karenaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa......, mereka kalah dan kelasan gue menang HAHAHA! rencananya gue mau ntn tapi mls hehe, oke futsal pun berakhir dan anggi mengajak gue untuk k rumah anatasha utari untuk melaksanakan kerja kelompok, janjian si jam 12, tapi gue dtg jam set. 2 , parah ya?? oke gue dtg jam segitu dan rumah encut menjadi rame gue datengin haha apadeh gue. yudhlah ga penting semua di hari ini mah cuma sekadar kerja kelompok oke next!
17-04-2011..........hari ini ada kerja kelompok lagiii, smavo libur sih libur tapi tugasnya ganyante haha! kerja klmpok TIK berawal dr igo k rmh gue dgn keadaan kk gue malu"in dan igo baru tau kalo kk gue sedikit gak waras. yaudah gue lgsg pergi tujuan ke dpn alfamart, nungguin neke ,neke pun datang dan kita pergiiiiiiiii ke rumah azi.. dan jalanan ke rumah azi KURANG SEMPIT haha! karna gatau jalan alhasil gue hrs membuntuti neke n igo yg boncengan sedangkan gue sendiri. nyampe di rumah azi gue envy dgn kamarnya yg full blue dan bla bla bla .. pulangnya oh tidak bensin gue udh stadium 4!! *le-bay yudh gue jalan selambat-lambatnya kura-kura, cptan kura" malah! sampe akhirnya ada tukang bensin pinggiran jalan yg menyediakan bensin 1 liter=5000. sujud syukur gue *le-bay untung duit gue cukup, dgn bantuan igo, motor gue yaa agak mendinganlah yudh gue pulaaaaaaaang dan istirahat lagi haha next!
18-04-2011............dengan kelompok sama ky kemaren , tapi beda tugas , skrg interview bule, kita cao ke KRB haha! sebelum itu kita itu janjian jam 9 di jambu 2, dan gue jam 9 br keluar dr kmr haha! azi udh telephone telephone gue lg, yudh gue buru-buru aja, soalnya azi udh nunggu dpn alfamart BCE dan dy nunggu setengah jam disana, dgn pakaian "agak" rapi + dasi *ce'elah gue pergi k alfamart, dan azi udh menunggu disana. naik 35 turun di lamer cikaret.. dan sekarang NEKE yg lama cutau y, yudh kita nunggu sampe ada abang" ngeliatin gue sm azi trus omaygat! neke dtg di angkot.. dan gue memaafkan neke krna dy masuk d angkot yg full biru haha! nyampe jmbu 2 igo udh psg tampang bt nungguin kita dan kita cao ke krb, kita punya feeling ga dpt bule, disana kita ketemu bule yg kata satpamnya rese, yudh gajadi kita interview,, kita ketemu rombongan bule ... kita ikutin sampe ke pelosok dan akhirnya tuh bule gabisa english melainkan prancis!! cutau ya! yudh kita nyari lg sampe ketemu bule holland yang super bae . kita ketagihan interview bule, yaudah kita cari lagi org ke 2, d tgh jalan kita ketemu 4 org x4 yg interview bule jg. kita tinggalin haha! kita foto" dulu kan ya
ampe ketemu bule tinggiiiiii banget dari jerman .. mukanya si mirip david beckham, dan gue envy sm mtanya yg biru haha! yudh udahan kita cao k kfc, tp igo ga ikut, alasannya ngirit, eh dy buat pengakuan klo dy bawa duit dikit. yudh kita melakukan pemborosan di kfc, ckckck,, kita cao ke botani square, kita karaokean sampe jingkrak"an! haha! kita ke gramed dan ketemu kel. rilo n kel. sule yg abis interview bule juga, tp kita pamit duluan soalnya pgn plg, di perjalanan pintu utama, kita ketemu org aneh memakai pakaian adat china, dkira imlek kali y skrg! kita ngakak bertiga deh haha! eh ujan, kita neduh dulu di a&w, beli sundae, dan reda ujan kita beli minum dulu dan pulang,, eh eh eh blm nyampe pemda udh ujan dan gue hrs les LPIA blkg ramayana cibinong dn gue belum solat asar! jam 6 les bubar dan jam 6 pun magrib dan sekarang udh jam 5:27!!! abang"a ngetem gue goyang"in aja angkotnya biar abang"a jalan... nyampe dpn ramayana gue turun dgn ujan lebat,, udh tggl beberapa menit, cukuplah kesana 20-30 menitan, yudh gue menerjang ujan, banjir ke LPIA alhasil dr atas sampe bawah---> basah kuyup! tapi gue ga peduli, lgsg solat and les, untung lesnya lagi game hehe terhibur dh,!! tp gue d LPIA cuma 20 menitan lah sampe recepsionistnya blg "topik, les? ko br dtg? tggl 20 menit juga" tapi gue biarkan itu,, haha! skg bshnya sepatu gue pulang gue nyeker di angkot, tp jalan ga lah sampe nyeker, ampe rumah gue tdran n ketiduran tentunya!
19-04-2011.................gue ketemu tmn" gue yg sama lg kmbali ke tugas pertama.. TIK. igo dh mrh" sama gue karna gue dtg jam 10 sm neke sdgkan janjian jam 9 nympe di azi haha! sebenarnya hari ini ada reunian 91 .. dan 2 org gapenting dtg k rmh gue ngajak reunian tp gue belum ngapa"in coba! tersitalah waktu gue 1 jam,, jadi gue punya alasan knp gue telat haha! *evil laugh ... gue cao ke doea dulu, bnyk anak kls 91 tp pada ga ngeliat gue yaudah gue lgsg aja ke azi soalnya neke udh sewot nunggu gue hehe.. sorry y 91, ampe d rmh azi, gue mlh ngerjain plh yg neke suruh gue kerjain.. haha! trus gue bikin video gitu deh... buat apa yaa? adadeh :p. pulang gue lgsg les , plg les gue ke itc sendirian beli karton" gapenting haha!! oke next!!
udh dulu yaa, cape haha!
Jumat, 04 Februari 2011
Advertisement gue *tugasb.ing *lagi
Honda Beat was varied with a choice of colors and new stripping and sporty features spakbor Front (Sporty Down Fender),Sporty Wheel, sporting Spion (Sporty Back Mirror), Stylish Head Light, the Secure Key Shutter, Transparent Cover Indicator Panel (T-Panel Meters Cover), protective Rear Suspension (Rear Cushion With Inner Cover), engine 110 cc 4 stroke SOHC air-cooled with fan. Color options are available Hard Rock Black, Electro Red, Jazz Blue, Techno White, & Pink Pop.
HARGA : Rp 11.700.000
Specifications Honda Beat MACHINE TYPE 4 stroke, OHC COOLING SYSTEM Cooling air with fan STEP VOLUME 108 cc COMPARISON OF COMPRESSION 9.2: 1 MAXIMUM POWER 8:22 PS / 8.000 rpm MAXIMUM TORQUE 0.85 kgf.m / 5.500 rpm CLUTCH Automatic, centrifugal, dry type STARTER Pedal and electric BUSI U24EPR9 ND, NGK CPR8EA-9 TANK CAPACITY 3.5 liters of fuel LUBRICATING OIL CAPACITY 0.7 liters in the periodic replacement TRANSMISSION Automatic, V-Matic BATTERY / BATTERY 12V - 3 Ah (type MF) IGNITION SYSTEM DC - CDI, Battery CARBURETOR VK22 x 1 FRONT LAMP 12V 32W x 1 LENGTH X WIDTH X HEIGHT 1.859 x 676 x 1.053 mm WHEELBASE 1.240 mm DISTANCE TO THE LOWEST LAND 156 mm EMPTY WEIGHT 89.3 kg FRAME TYPE Spine TYPE SUSPENSION FRONT Telescopic REAR SUSPENSION TYPE swing arm with single Shockbreaker FRONT TIRE SIZE 80/90 - 14 M / C 40P REAR TIRE SIZE 90/90 - 14 M / C 46P REM FRONT hydraulic disc with single piston REM REAR Tromol
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asli hari ini dimulai dari diri gue yang ga bisa ngerawat diri gue sendri jadinya sakit gini kan heeuh .. baca quran rasanya sakit tenggorokan , badan lemes pusing alah cuma sakit gini doang masa gue kalah payah xP
gue tuh kesel bgt hari ini ! sepatu gue malah mandi ujan ! bandel ya ! jadi gini looo , gue lg slt jumat trus ujan sepatu masi di luar alhasil : basah! kenapa pada ga masukin sepatunya kedalem coba? baru tau gue anak-anak smavo tangan'a pada berat semua !
truuuuuusss...! kaos kaki gue di teken dikit aja air meluncur dari kaos kaki gue .. bisa bayangin dah basahnya segimane .. tapi gaenak juga tauu kalo sekolah gapake kaos sikil , eh ! kaki ! tapi gue juga takut bau kaya dulu sd tmn guekos kaki basah" hasilnya bau kaya telor busuk haha gue kan gamau , tapi apadaya ku tak kuasa gue pake aja tuh kaos dan alhamdulillah gabau sama sekali bahkan sampe plg ga kecium adanya bau kaki :D
trus salah satu temen *temen??hahagadeh:pcandapiss^^v gue ga masuk ,, kita kerjain lah dgn bantuan anggey putreey dan rinekeyy buat sepik ke dy kalo hari ini ada 3 ulangan dan itu susah ! haha panik deh tuh temen gue *temen??hahagadeh:pcandapiss^^v *apasigue
truuuuuusss...! tiba" jeng jeng jeng jeng ... pemberitahuan ada ulangan tik ! dapat diambil hikmah jangan membohongi orang karna kita akan kena dengan bualan kita .. :'( tapi karna gurunya baik hati , yudh deh gajadi ulangan ... lagi juga kaga dibilang kalo mau ulangan arrrrggghhh! lanjut
pulangnya gue sama anggey putreey ngebajak bb rinekeyy , kita jadiin rinekeyy itu seakan" jablay haha parah ampe bikin pm kalo rinekeyy suka sama salah satu kontak bbm nya haha ngakak abis ! trus gngguin org" di kontaknya haha gokil !
akhirnya mau pulang abis solat , gue , dameey sama igeyy kebelet semua pengen ke toilet , soalnya udh nahan" haha yudh deh kita barengan gitu tapi beda pintulah ! jgn negative gitu dong pikirannya !
udah ah pegel haha exit bye :)
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Minggu, 30 Januari 2011
Short Story *tugas bahasa inggris
IT was night upon the prairie. Overhead the stars were twinkling bright their red and yellow lights. The moon was young. A silvery thread among the stars, it soon drifted low beneath the horizon.
Upon the ground the land was pitchy black. There are night people on the plain who love the dark. Amid the black level land they meet to frolic under the stars. Then when their sharp ears hear any strange footfalls nigh they scamper away into the deep shadows of night. There they are safely hid from all dangers, they think.
Thus it was that one very black night, afar off from the edge of the level land, out of the wooded river bottom glided forth two balls of fire. They came farther and farther into the level land. They grew larger and brighter. The dark hid the body of the creature with those fiery eyes. They came on and on, just over the tops of the prairie grass. It might have been a wildcat prowling low on soft, stealthy feet. Slowly but surely the terrible eyes drew nearer and nearer to the heart of the level land.
There in a huge old buffalo skull was a gay feast and dance! Tiny little field mice were singing and dancing in a circle to the boom-boom of a wee, wee drum. They were laughing and talking among themselves while their chosen singers sang loud a merry tune.
They built a small open fire within the center of their queer dance house. The light streamed out of the buffalo skull through all the curious sockets and holes.
A light on the plain in the middle of the night was an unusual thing. But so merry were the mice they did not hear the "king, king" of sleepy birds, disturbed by the unaccustomed fire.
A pack of wolves, fearing to come nigh this night fire, stood together a little distance away, and, turning their pointed noses to the stars, howled and yelped most dismally. Even the cry of the wolves was unheeded by the mice within the lighted buffalo skull.
They were feasting and dancing; they were singing and laughing—those funny little furry fellows.
All the while across the dark from out the low river bottom came that pair of fiery eyes.
Now closer and more swift, now fiercer and glaring, the eyes moved toward the buffalo skull. All unconscious of those fearful eyes, the happy mice nibbled at dried roots and venison. The singers had started another song. The drummers beat the time, turning their heads from side to side in rhythm. In a ring around the fire hopped the mice, each bouncing hard on his two hind feet. Some carried their tails over their arms, while others trailed them proudly along.
Ah, very near are those round yellow eyes! Very low to the ground they seem to creep—creep toward the buffalo skull. All of a sudden they slide into the eye-sockets of the old skull.
"Spirit of the buffalo!" squeaked a frightened mouse as he jumped out from a hole in the back part of the skull.
"A cat! a cat!" cried other mice as they scrambled out of holes both large and snug. Noiseless they ran away into the dark. Klik Untuk Lebih Lengkap
Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011
Download Lagu Rini Idol
Hei Blogger , sekadar nge-post ni , gue mau nge-share lagu rini nii .. (via 4shared)
Lagu-lagu Konser (semasa Idol)
- 50 Tahun Lagi
- Cintai Aku Lagi
- Antara Ada Dan Tiada
- Because You Loved Me
- Cinta
- Emotion
- I Love You
- Kuakui
- Matahari
- Reflection
- Zamrud Khatulistiwa
- Andai Aku Bisa
Lagu-lagu Album
- Aku Bukan Boneka
- Cinta T'lah Memilih
- Satu Bintang
- Panggil Namaku
- Let's Get the Beat
- Over Protective
segitu dulu yaa exit bye ;)
Hate To Miss Someone-Still Virgin
Hate To Miss Someone
one night i stand i remind of you
our hope and dream
tears in my eyes
when you gone so fast
when i realized you know ican be perfect
i fall from you
you make me like i cant stand with you
you make me like i cant live with you
i cant hold your hand
so please dont let me down
i try to be a stronger
when i know everything over
everytime i feel
everday i think
i never see you once again
i know i cant be stronger
even i try to forget you
oh no i missing you
i need its you
so please dont make me feel like..
i keep you in my heart
i miss your smile i miss your face
i need you hear i need your hugs
in every night in everyday
like you want me to be
i miss you voice i miss your laugh
i need yor hear i need your hug
in everynight in everyday
is you
you know everything is you Klik Untuk Lebih Lengkap
About Me
- Taufik Eryadi
- Hai… Gw Taufik Eryadi biasa disapa Taufik. Salam kenal ya buat blogger… Sebetulnya udah lama gw bikin blog, tapi belum aktif alias masih kosong. Baru sekarang ini ada kesempatan buat nulis blog. Sekarang ini gw lagi sibuk-sibuknya sekolah. Mana lagi banyak-banyak tugas… Jadi masih kewalahan untuk ngatur jadwal sekolah sama urusan yang lain. Doain aja mudah-mudahan semua bisa berjalan lancar. Ini dulu deh yang bisa gw tulis, next time gw bakal nulis-nulis blog lagi. Ditunggu ya…